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Sunday, August 22, 2010

What's going on?

Wow.. What a week. Just had another birthday and finished 2 awesome investigations as well(Fort Mifflin TAPS event and Burlington County Prison)
I have been incredibly busy at my day job as well. It feels as though I've been playing the game of "catch-up" with no end in sight. Crazy days...
Things I am working towards completing at this time:
  1. PHANTOM IR Equipment Review: I used the PHANTOM Lite IR these past 2 investigations and I am putting together a detailed review very soon.
  2. Fort Mifflin Evidence Review: I have some decent stuff so far, need to complete the review though.
  3. Burlington County Prison Evidence Review: Again, got an amazing response at the end of the night while packing up equipment. It was an amazing personal experience. I will detail up the night best I can soon.
  4. 10 Questions with Britt Griffith from Ghost Hunters/Ghost Hunters International: Had conversation on the phone with Britt about 1 week ago. Once I get things approved, I will get it posted.
Well, as you can see, I have alot on my plate at the moment. I plan on getting things rolling again shortly. I also have plenty of other things in the works as well. More on that as I get to it though.
As always, stay tuned for more soon...

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