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Monday, December 6, 2010

My Trip to India

I just got back from my first trip to India a few weeks ago. Still getting over jet-lag and getting things back in order. Man, funny how a 2 week trip like this can knock you off your game.

Anyway, I went to some pretty cool locations. Did a little bit of investigating over there, but nothing came up as conclusive. Either way, extremely awesome locations.

So, why I am writing about this on my paranormal blog? Well, I guess it has to do with adventuring into the unknown. For some people, it takes a lot to travel half way across the globe to a country you barely understand. Let's face it, we all like our comfort zones, but every once in a while, we all need to venture out of the norm.

India is different in many aspects when you compare to life in the United States. Cows in the streets of Mumbai, hustle and bustle of rush hour traffic, Goa's amazing beaches, etc. People kept asking me, "Do you like India?" I would always answer the same way... India is just different. Do I like it? Sure, somethings are great. Do I dislike it? Certain aspects I was not crazy about, but it is just... different from my norm.

Let me leave it as this... Everyone should experience India for themselves. It is has exactly the same things I look for in paranormal investigations. New, undiscovered worlds to explore.

Lately, it seems to me, that 'fear of the unknown' is nothing more than a time waster. My advice to you is to get out and explore your world. Don't wait until it is too late to try new things. Life moves way too fast not to go out and explore what you can.

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