Gettysburg. The name stands out as one of, if not, THE biggest name in the paranormal field. The Battle of Gettysburg is listed in history as having 51,112 casualties during this 3 day massacre. Some of the locations(eg. The Bloody Wheatfield, Devil's Den) were covered with bodies that were bathed in a mix of Union and Confederate blood. My respect goes out to each and every one of these men.
As for the haunted history of Gettysburg, PA, this list is also extensive as well. Full body apparitions have been reported as being witnessed on the battlefields and in the buildings throughout Gettysburg. Most of the buildings during the war were used as hospitals, housing the wounded or dying soldiers. Because of the pain and anguish they endured during this war, it is strongly believed that this is one of the reasons why Gettysburg is incredibly haunted.
This past weekend I attended the Phenomenology 103 event in Gettysburg, PA and signed up for 2 investigations.
The first investigation was on Friday night at the Jennie Wade house. There were 15 or so of us that had divided into 3 groups. One on the first floor, one group on the second, and one group in the basement.
The night started fairly eventful with a bit of physical object manipulation, a few possible EVP's, etc. Nothing completely mind blowing or with a high "WOW!" factor.
Anyway, as the night progressed I had the opportunity to sit in with Debbie and Mark Constantino(If you don't know who they are, I am sure you can find them online somewhere.) They proceeded to conduct an EVP session on the 2nd floor with about 5-6 or us as witnesses. They used an old Panasonic digital recorder to conduct the session. I was pretty surprised at how well the recorder actually picked up EVP's.
During the session they had approx. 10-15 questions validated with all direct responses. It was pretty amazing to see the responses come back so clear and accurate. Even when I asked the question, "If you can see my hand, how many fingers am I holding up?" The response came back something like, "Look at the other hand."
I also had a chance to finally meet John Zaffis face to face. John and I had a chance to discuss a few topics that were rather interesting. Like investigations at Bob Mackey's, the Bolton Mansion expo event we are both attending in June, and a few other things as well. John "The Godfather of the paranornal" Zaffis is a great guy. You can tell by his demeanor that he is easy going and down to earth. A real straight shooter. I look forward to our next meeting in June.
The next night was an investigation at the Tilley Pierce House with Michelle from NEPI, Patrick Burns and his lovely wife, Marley Harbuck Gibson. These guys were great. Patrick can be a bit quirky at times, but in a good way. Kind of reminds me of myself a bit(Yes. I am self proclaimed as 'goofy') Like Marley said during the investigation, you really need to have a sense of humor in this field. Truer words were never spoken.
As far as evidence is concerned, I have not had a chance to review it yet. Nor do I think I am going to share much with anyone. Why? Well, as cool as the Constantino's EVP session was, it was not my teams nor one of my personal investigations. To each his own I guess, but that's how I roll. (Michelle, if you are reading this.. you are the exception.) However, if I find an outstanding piece to share, I will definitely do so though.
I ran into a bunch of friends at the event as well. Like Angela from Spirited History, Jen from Everyday Paranormal, Scared! Paranormal, the Haberman's, Michael from CJPRG, Buffalo Paranormal, Iron Island Museum, and many others. Special thanks to Chris and Dana for hosting an amazing event and my fellow team member Dan Mallo for giving me the extremely detailed guided tour of Gettysburg.
The one thing I know I have taken back from this event is something very deep. I witnessed the paranormal community come together for the common good and interest of the field. It was like being with family at a paranormal Disney World of sorts. A place that makes you feel right at home. It's hard not to miss all of my new friends already.
Here's a few photos from Gettysburg(non-evidence for now):
Jennie Wade House
My next focus will be on the Scream Paranormal Research investigates Eastern State Penitentiary event on April 8th, 2011. My team and I have many things to go over to get ready for this investigation. Going to be a great event.
If you are interested in going with us, please email us at screamparanormalresearch@gmail.com for more information and availability. Tickets are only $70 per person. 18 years or older.
Me and my team have a ton of things in the works. Between the private and public investigations, it is going to get insane. Wish I could say more. Stay tuned for more as it happens.
Interested in learning more about the Battle of Gettysburg? Battle of Gettysburg Wiki
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