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Monday, March 5, 2012

Here comes another... Asteroid?!?!

Imagine it's a day in February 2013. An impending asteroid of doom is approaching earth. It will collide with earth and there is nothing that NASA nor our governments could do to avoid the impact. Everything we tried has failed. The destructive power will be that of a nuclear bomb when it hits us. 900 miles radius of damage. With a dust cloud that will block out our sun for months. Causing food shortages, freezing cold temperatures, and eventually... death.

You ever see the movie Armageddon with Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck? Sounds similar, right?

Well, some astronomy experts are saying this could happen for real...

Experts said WHAT?!? Making sure my WHAT are in order?!?! ...

NASA is speaking out on data that shows a 44-meter(approx. 160 feet - half a football field) asteroid, spotted by Spanish stargazers in February, will skim past the Earth in 11 months. Its current trajectory will be within miles of our planet, raising fears of a possible collision.

The asteroid, known as DA14, has a mass of about 120,000 metric tons and will pass by our planet in February 2013 at a distance of under 27,000 km (16,700 miles). This is closer than the orbit of some of earth's satellites.

Some are speculating that it could impact the earth, while others say that it may just come extremely close to our planet.

Didn't we just have YU55 pass the earth rather closely a few months ago? YU55 was about 201,000 miles from our planet. At that time, YU55 was reported to be the closest asteroid since 1976 according to astronomy records.

So, what will happen when DA14 comes close to our planet as it passes us? Will it cause issues with our magnetic poles here on earth? Possibly get drawn-in by earth's gravity? Guess we will learn more as it approaches our planet.

Is it too early to be singing, "It's the end of the world as we know it... and I feel fine!"?

Want to keep track of this "bringer of possible doom"? Click HERE to see the data directly from NASA's site.

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