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Saturday, September 3, 2011


Anyone who truly knows me can tell you that I do not support para-drama in anyway, shape or form. Sure, some of us can loose our cool now and again. If you say otherwise, you are not being truthful. (Unless of course you are not human)

Let's face it, jealousy and hatred are stinky colognes. There is much competition in the paranormal field at the moment. TV shows, producers, networks are all looking for the next big paranormal team for national shows and interviewing everyone. Which can sometimes lead to wrong assumptions and jealousy.

Drama can only fuel the people you have issues with. Not only does talking about them behind their back show others that you have loose lips and sink ships, but it also puts them in the spotlight and can show your jealousy. So, ask yourself this... Is that what you really want? To promote someone else and show others that you have a big mouth and talk negatively about others?

This attitude is the path to the dark side and can only do you harm. Cause let's face it, any promotion is good promotion for the people you are talking negatively about. And while your friends might have your back and say, "Yeah! I hear that! You tell em!", you can guarantee behind your back they are questioning your ethics and whether or not one day you will turn on them as well. If not, they definitely should.

As with any profession, it is always best to be courteous and professional with everyone you meet. Whether it be a client, team mate, or anyone for that matter. You are representing yourself to others 24/7. Tired? Pissed off? You may want to leave that attitude at home.

Another thing to remember is attitude is everything. Being positive, especially while on investigations is essential. I avoid negative people like the plague, it is my guess that spirits more than likely do also.

So, keep your chin up and remain positive. Never let someone knock you off your game. Take the good with the bad. Don't create drama. Avoid it. If you do spread drama, you are only hurting yourself by looking like someone who can't be trusted and you are just promoting someone else.

And, if after reading this you want to talk negatively about me... I absolutely and totally welcome it! Thanks! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was paramount writing
