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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

...and we wait... again.

Right now, as it stands, the Scream Paranormal Research team and I are currently up for a few paranormal series TV shows... yet again

Yeah. It's like beating a dead horse... then beating it again, and again, and again... and then again. Is it frustrating? You bet it is. We are constantly being looked at for a reality TV show series and never get the network commitment. Is this the 128th time to charm? Who the hell knows. At this time, it is barely even blog worthy to write about it. I refuse to hold my breath any longer waiting on a show. The chances of successfully getting a network to buy and air your show is like 1,000,000 to 1. I think we have a better chance of catching Bigfoot to be honest...

What also sucks is the fact that anyone can call me a liar. Sure. Go for it. It won't be the first time... It really blows when you sign a non-disclosure agreement and are told not to say anything about the show. All I know is that the casting directors and production houses are real. Is the opportunity real? They say it is, so I guess I have to believe them. Am I skeptical? Yep. 100% until proven otherwise with a show confirmation.

For the record, the team and I have fun doing the casting interviews. We have even done sizzle reels, pilot episodes, and a few one-off shows for A&E Biography and Syfy. It's all in good fun and we have a blast doing them. Once the waiting starts, I just shut the whole thing off. It's best for everyone to do so. Dwelling on a "maybe" on a constant basis really sucks.

The one thing I have come to notice lately is that some of the older paranormal TV shows are just down right boring and fake as hell. It's like they don't even try to investigate anymore. They have had their time on TV and I feel it is time they move on to other ventures. I'm sorry, but their investigations get boring week after week. Even though I'd call some of these people my friends, it doesn't mean I have to like their shows. What makes it worse is when they start with the demon possessions, capturing a ghost, and other bullshit associated with the episode.

Given the chance, I know for a fact that my team and I could do a million times better then the shows that are currently airing on network. Sad thing is, we may never get the chance to prove it. Oh well... In the meantime, it's time for me to take out the garbage for tomorrows pickup. Be right back...

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