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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Burlington County Prison - July 9th, 2010 - Evidence Review

Burlington County Prison. A place of mystery and intrigue. I always try and consider myself a skeptic first, believer second. After the investigation at Burlington County Prison, I am finding it hard to remain a skeptic.

Burlington County Prison was opened in 1811, and shut down in 1965. It is the oldest running operating prison in the United States. 8 inmates were hung on the prison grounds during this time. Including an inmate named Joel Clough, who is said to haunt the prison.

During our investigation, we were witness to an amazing event. It was witnessed by the 5 investigators that were present at the time. The next set of photos should help explain what had transpired.

During the investigation(and ALL investigations I perform), I try to document as much as possible. This way, if something 'unexplained' should happen, I can review my collected evidence. This door in the picture above is a great example.

When we entered the basement at around 8:30pm, we took photos of every room. Then proceeded to the 'kitchen' to conduct an EVP session. The EVP session lasted about 40 minutes. At the end of the session I said, "Ok. We are going to head outside now for some fresh air. Come with us if you care to join us."

Upon exiting the kitchen, heading towards the staircase to the 1st floor to head outside, we noticed a basement door was ajar. We all looked at each other asking if anyone had opened the door at anytime during the investigation. Even though we asked these questions, we collectively knew that nobody on our team had opened the door. Even the caretaker(Marissa) said she had been no where near the location in question.

Funny thing is, this door leads to the courtyard outside.

We tried to debunk the door. The door itself is heavy and has stiff hinges. It does not swing open easily. It takes a great amount of force to open that door. Could it have been the wind that blew it open? Impossible. There was zero wind and the door is way too heavy.

We tried everything we could to debunk this door. I even spoke with a curator about the door the following Monday. He said he has never heard of that happening, nor would he think it would happen because the door is so tight.

Did a helpful spirit open the door for us? The investigative team and I sure think so.

Next up, I want to share with you some video from a static night vision camcorder I setup on the second floor in the hallway. I wanted to try and capture a full body apparition wandering the hallway if possible. Even though I did not get the apparition I was hoping for, I did get 3 amazing EVP videos to share.

Also, keep in mind there is a squeaky fan running during the recording, but it is easy to pick out. Use good headphones if you have them.

First video caught an EVP 13 minutes after placement on the second floor. I can't make out what is being said, but I can tell you that this was not heard on any where else on the 4 hours of recordings. Nobody was anywhere near the recording at the time of the recording. EVP can be heard at the 22 second mark.

Second video is very interesting. At the 1 second mark you can hear a cell door latch being used. Again, nobody was on the floor at the time. Soon after, you can hear me and another investigator at the end of the hall discussing the 'lock' noise she had heard up on that floor.

This third video convinced me of one thing... provoking can back fire on you. We were trying to provoke Joel Clough to show himself or touch us. However, in the recording, it sounds like a scared spirit of a girl. This is what I think was said:

Me: "Something you want to say?"
7 seconds in ???: "No."
Me: "Do you not want us here?"
10 seconds in ???: "Uhm Hmm."

Lesson learned. Even though we were directing our provoking at Joel Clough, it seems as though we may have upset another spirit in the process. From now on, I plan on provoking only if I know I have to or there is a confirmed malicious spirit at the location.

Next, are a few photos found of interest during the investigation.

Now, normally I dismiss 'orbs' as being dust, pollen, or bugs. Sure, most of the time they are. But I wanted to post these photos for those that believe in 'orbs'. These are some amazing shots that need to be shared. Believe what you want, dismiss what you don't. Thanks goes out to Cathy and Craig for sharing these photos.

This next photo looks a bit like ectoplasm mist of some sort.

This is our caretaker for the night, Marisa Bozarth - Museum Curator. She was very helpful and courteous. I believe she was also on the 4th season, 2nd episode of Ghost Hunters - Two to Tango.

This is the 'dungeon' where Joel Clough was punished for trying to escape the prison sometime before his execution.


What can I say about this place and EVP's? Let me put it this way, I only picked 6 right now for the blog. Why? Because we must have gotten about 30+ solid EVP's. I chose what I thought were the most interseting out of the bunch.

For best results, use headphones. Isolation headphones work best.

The first EVP that we received sounds like "I came from up there". I was standing in the Warden's house at the bottom of a staircase. Nobody was standing next to me at the time. I tagged the audio by saying I heard a noise on the staircase.

1 second in ???: "I came from up there."
Me: "It almost sounded like somebody was creakin' on the stairs right here."

Click here to listen.

The second EVP that we received sounds like "yeah" or "no". I was standing in a row of cells on the second floor. Nobody was in the hallway at the time. The team was in and around the 'dungeon' area. I was walking from cell to cell looking for activity. I think I found it.

Me: "Is there anybody down here."
3 seconds in ???: "No."

Click here to listen.

The third EVP that we received sounds like "inmate". We were conducting an EVP session in kitchen in the basement area.

Sue(Investigator): "Anybody else hear that?"
Craig(Investigator): "I heard 'inmate'."
2 seconds in ???: "Inmate."

Click here to listen.

The forth EVP that we received sounds like "Hello". We were conducting an EVP session in the Warden's house. Here is the response.

Cathy(Investigator): "Do you have anything to say? Now's your chance. We can hear you."
5 seconds in ???: "Hello."

Click here to listen.

The fifth EVP is a bit different. We were conducting an EVP session in the kitchen area of the basement. Something threw a pebble at us.

Click here to listen.

The sixth EVP that we received sounds like a little girl. We provoked minutes before this EVP was caught. I think we may have scared this spirit by doing so. This is from my audio recorder, but is the same EVP caught on the night vision camcorder audio.

Me: "Something you want to say?"
7 seconds in ???: "No."
Me: "Do you not want us here?"
10 seconds in ???: "Uhm Hmm."

Click here to listen.

Another personal experience I had was I thought my hair was being played with. I even made note of it on audio. While reviewing the audio evidence, another investigator had his hair touched also. The audio picked up an low EVP that sounds like 'snip snip, snip snip'. Like someone imitating a haircut. When I spoke to one of the curators the following Monday, he told me that there once was an investigator in the basement that had his hair pulled and he ran out of the building.

My overall opinion of Burlington County Prison? I absolutely love it. I plan on going back soon to get more evidence. It is local to me and has caught my attention, bigtime.

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